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Pool Betting Mechanic

General Idea is:

  • Roll a pool of d6s to try to achieve success
  • But you can control how many d6s are in the pool by taking a risk.

From The Pool

Character Creation

  • Give yourself a starting pool of 12 dice.
  • Write a 50 word description.
  • Underline their most important traits.
  • You may spend $N^2$ dice to give $+N$ bonus to a trait.

Rolling Dice

  • The GM decides how many (1-3) dice to roll.
  • Relevant traits with bonuses can add that many dice to the roll.
  • Optionally, you may wager up to 9 dice from your pool
    • Those dice are added to the roll
    • But if the roll fails, remove those dice from your pool.
  • If at least one dice rolls a 1, the roll is sucessful. Otherwise it is a failure.
  • If the roll suceeded, choose one of these two options:
    • Add a dice to your pool.
      • GM will narrate the positive outcome.
    • Make a Monologue of Victory.
      • The Player narrates the positive outcome.
      • The only limitations:
        • Don’t directly alter or kill other PCs
        • Respect the established facts and tone of the narrative
        • Keep it short.
  • If the roll failed, you lose any wagered dice and the GM narrates a negative outcome.

Between sessions

  • Add +1d6 dice to your pool, up to a maximum of 9.
  • Then you may transfer dice between players’ pools.
  • Add 15 words to your character description, then choose traits and bonuses. You can increase existing bonuses.

Character Death

  • Happens when you fail a roll in a lethal situation
  • Choose to:
    • Go gentle into that good night
      • Accept Death
      • Make a final Monologue, describing your end.
    • Rage, rage against the dying of the light
      • Make a final roll
      • 0 dice are rolled, and you cannot add trait bonuses.
      • All dice must come from wagers.
      • Each other player may pitch in up to 9 dice as wagers
      • No matter the outcome, these dice are removed from your pools.
      • If the roll succeeds, the GM describes how you survive.
      • If the roll fails, the GM describes how you die.

Houses of the Blooded

  • Players roll a d6s based on their FATE-style aspects.
  • Before rolling, you can wager dice:
    • Remove that many dice from the roll and set them aside.
  • The roll succeeds iff the sum is at least 10.
  • If the roll succeeds, the player may choose whether their action was successful.
  • If the roll succeeded, each dice wagered allows the player to describe an additional fact about the result.