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These People Are Lying

Making up what a Wikipedia article is about.

Players: 3-6.
Pen, Paper
  • Designate one person as judge.
  • Everyone else finds a wikipedia article and spends a couple minutes reading it.
    • They can choose an article they think would be funny, or pick one at random.
    • If you pick a random one, you may need to re-roll a few times and exercise some judgement.
  • Write down the titles of the article on scraps of paper and shuffle them up.
  • The judge now picks one at random, and reads the title aloud.
  • Everyone wants to convince the judge that they are the one who just read that article.
  • The judge wins if they guess correctly. Other people win if the judge guesses them.

This is based on Tom Scott’s video series Two Of These People Are Lying.