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Skull & Roses

Distilled bluffing.

Players: 3+.
Game by Hervé Marly.
  • Give each player a set of four cards, all the same rank, from each of the four suits.
  • The player’s spade card is their Skull.
  • Each hand:
    1. Each player plays an initial card face-down
    2. Players take turns. They can either:
      • Play another card face-down on top of theirs
      • End this phase by making a bid
    3. Players bid for how many cards they can flip.
    4. The highest bidder must flip over that many cards, starting by flipping over their own.
      • If any flipped cards are Skulls, the flipper permanently loses a card from their hand.
        • If they hit their own skull, they choose which card.
        • If someone else’s skull, discard at random.
      • If no Skulls are flipped, that player earns a point!
      • Either way, that player starts the next round.
  • 2 points to win.

Game by Hervé Marly