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Cooperative Hand Management

Players: 1-4.
Uses a variable number of Jokers.
Game by Paul Abrahams, Luke Badger, and Andy Richdale.
Players Number of Jokers Max Hand Size
2 0 7
3 1 6
4 2 5


  • Build the Castle Deck:
    • Shuffled Jacks, on top of shuffled Queens, on top of Shuffled Kings.
    • Flip the top card.
  • Shuffle all the non-face cards together into the Tavern Deck
    • Everyone draws up to maximum hand size.
    • (Mulligan if you don’t have any diamonds.)

The Royals to ‘Cide

Card Attack Power Health
Jack 10 20
Queen 15 30
King 20 40
  • A Royal is “immune” to their own suit.
    • Those cards can still be used to attack,
    • but suit abilities don’t activate while a matching Royal is active.
    • Jokers cancel immunity.

Each Turn:

  1. Play a card or cards onto the table. Do one of the following and determine X.
    • Play a single card. X = the rank of that card.
      • Jacks count as 10, Queens as 15, Kings as 20.
    • Play a matching set of low valued cards. X = the total sum of those cards.
      • The cards must be the same rank.
      • Their sum must be no greater than 10.
    • Play an Ace along with any other non-joker card. The Ace adds +1 to the other card’s X.
    • Play a joker:
      • The current Royal’s immunity is cancelled.
      • Skip the rest of the turn (The Royal doesn’t get to attack.)
      • Choose which player takes the next turn.
    • Or yield. X = 0.
      • The rest of the turn still happens.
  2. Activate the Suit Powers of the cards played.
    • If you played multiple cards, then activate the power of each played suit.
    • Hearts: Refill the deck.
      1. Shuffle the discard pile.
      2. Draw X cards at random from the discard pile.
      3. Put those cards on the bottom of the Tavern Deck (without looking at them).
    • Diamonds: Draw cards.
      • Starting with the current player, go around in clockwise order drawing cards until X cards have been drawn or hands are full.
    • Spades: Shield.
      • The current Royal’s attack is permanently reduced by X.
    • Clubs: Double damage towards beating the royal.
  3. Check if the Royal is Defeated.
    1. Deal X damage to the Royal.
      • If the Royal’s health < 0, then place the Royal in the discard pile.
      • If the Royal’s health = 0, then place the Royal on top of the Tavern deck.
    2. Flip over the next Royal, and discard all cards on the table.
    3. The current player immediately starts a new turn.
  4. Suffer damage by discarding cards.
    • Discard cards until the total value of the discarded cards meets or exceeds the Royal’s attack power.
    • If the current player runs out, then the next player has to start discarding cards.
    • If all the players run out of cards, then they lose.

Single Player Variant

8-card max hand size, 0 jokers in deck. Twice per game, you can discard your hand to refill back to 8 cards.

Regicide, by Paul Abrahams, Luke Badger, and Andy Richdale