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Attach Your Units

Players: 2.
Uses a grid and two colors of stones.
Game by Luis Bolaños Mures.

Setup of the board with two sparse interleaved grids of pieces.


Join all your pieces into one unit, or trick your opponent into making it so you can’t move.


A group of allied pieces orthogonally connected. (Like in Go)


  • The distance between two units is the shortest orthogonal path connecting them.
  • When you move a unit you must reduce the distance to one of its closest neighbors.
    • If there is no move that lets you do this, you win.
  • Singleton units move one space orthogonally.
  • Bigger units move like an amoeba.
    • Take a piece from the unit and place it somewhere else adjacent to the unit
    • The unit can’t be split in half after the move ( but can be split during the move).

Game by Luis Bolaños Mures. Full Rules and Strategy