Basics: Universal Immediate: Skip a building -1 End: Tree +1 Rock -1 3 colors next to church -3 Basics: Eternal First: Cover both gold veins +3 End: Blank space -1 4 buildings next to well +4 Basics: Eternal (alt) First: Cover both gold veins +3 End: 4 buildings next to well +4 (Don't deduct points for blanks) Buildings: Groups End: Buildings in largest group of each color +? 🏘️ Buildings: Factories End: Each separate group of blue buildings +2 ⚙️ Buildings: Mines Setup: Place mines (A4, B5, A7) End: Buildings in groups by same-color mine +? ⛰️ Beachfront Property Imdt: Build along coast +1 First: Fill all coast spaces +3 End: Fill all coast spaces +5 🏖️ Port Connection Setup: Place port (E9) First: Connect port-coast +3 End: Connect port-coast +5 🛣️ Prosperous Parks Setup: Place palace (E6) (Start by palace.) Imdt: Build yellow by tree +3 End: Red courtyard +1 Ignore courtyard rocks. 🏡 The Sawmill Setup: Place sawmill (H11) (Start by sawmill.) First: Total deforestation +3 End: Total deforestation +10 You may build on forests. 🪓 The Investor Use investor to mark most recently built building. Immediate: Build next to investor +1 🕴️ Restriction: The Flood Build only east of the river. Optional: The blocking card cancels this restriction. 🌊 Restriction: Hug Trees Don't cover trees. 🌳 Restriction: No Skips You shall not pass!. (If you cannot build a building, you're done for the game.) 🧙‍♂️